Online Tutor Alternate Home

Online Tutor Alternate Home2020-04-27T15:41:04+02:00

Qualified Online Tuition


I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.


Rated 5/5 by 12,000 Students

Qualified Online Tuition


I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.


Rated 5/5 by 12,000 Students


Face To Face Learning

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


Share And Collaborate

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


Rewatch Lessons

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$650/12 sessions

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$600/12 sessions

School Groups

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.

$480/12 sessions

My Core Objectives

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School Prep


Creative Thinking


Mental Arithmetic


Computer Literacy

City Walker

„Ich zeig’ dir MAIN FRANKFURT“


My Bestselling Study Guides

Mit Leben gefüllt wird unser Projekt von vielen großartigen Menschen aus Frankfurt/M. – ohne sie wäre dieses Stadtrundgangsprojekt nicht möglich!

Lernen Sie hier die City Walker und ihre Rundgänge kennen:

„Ich zeig’ dir MAIN FRANKFURT“


Tutoring Articles & Musings

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.


Informationen und Geschichten rund um Frankfurt/M.

Unser Projekt lebt von Begegnungen und den Biografien aktiver Bürger:innen. City Walker zeigen Ihnen die Orte und Menschen, die für sie biografisch wichtig, identitätsstiftend und gemeinschaftsbildend sind – Orte, die sie selbst prägen.

“Afrika in Frankfurt am Main”

Dipl.Betriebswirtin. MA Erziehung und Internationale Entwicklungen und Personzentrierte Beraterin (GwG). Ich bin seit 17 Jahre Psychoziale Beraterin/Afrika bei FIM e.v. (Frauenrecht Ist Menschenrecht) und Gründerin und 1. Vorsitzende bei Kone-Netzwerk [...]


My Story

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.


My Story

I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way. I am a time served and qualified teaching professional, and I‘m ready now to help.I can tutor your child and ensure they remain proficient in their core subjects, and enjoy learning along the way.



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